The Library

Found 219 Results

CogDrisk cognitive assessment tool

This is an excellent online assessment tool people can se to see where they stand regarding cognitive function with resources explaining the latest research in brain health.

Thriving with ADHD workbook for kids and their families by Kelli Miller

For families wants to know and understand more and develop strategies to deal with the less welcome aspects of this condition.

Rock Steady (book recommendation) by Joey Remenyi

Joey is a vestibular audiologist, psychologist, registered senior yoga teacher, neuroplasticity therapist and author who takes a special interest in the recovery patterns of people with persistent dizziness, vertigo and tinnitus. She also runs an online program (lifelong membership $2,800 with scholarships and ‘whatever you can afford for low income folk).

The Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) pain management website

This is a brilliant resource for adults, kids and First Nations peoples who experience chronic pain.

The NPS pain hub for consumers

This is a good compendium of pain related information especially relating to medications

Medicinewise by the NPS

This is a publicly funded ‘go to’ for medicines information. The tech literate can download the App and list their health conditions and medications and have easy phone or tablet access to their medicines information.

Pain medicine resources by Dr Sam Manger

Sam Manger is an Australian GP, academic, podcaster and thinker. This is his library of resources – particularly strong on podcasts and videos

Full Stop Australia

This is an excellently organised and comprehensive website with links to all other important support services for people affected by sexual, domestic and  family based violence.


Memory Wise by Dr Anne Unkenstein

Written by Melbourne neuropsychologist Dr Anne Unkenstein (phD) walks us through how memory works and what we can do to optimise and preserve it.

Exercise and blood pressure – BMJ review

For all of you ‘data nerds’ out there. This is a meta-analysis of what we know about the use of exercise to treat hypertension.

Healthy Bones Australia

Healthy Bones Australia (HBA), formerly Osteoporosis Australia, is a national non-for-profit organisation and the leading consumer body to reduce broken bones and improve bone health across Australia

(Commonwealth) Carer Gateway

Nerva online gut directed hypnotherapy

This is a highly cost effective evidence based online program for IBS developed by the team at Monash University.

How to meet your iron needs

This very useful info graphic from Healthdirect explains iron requirements and replenishing strategies.

Balance (Vestibular) retraining resource

This excellent resource written by Professor Lucy Yardley and produced by the University of Southampton in the UK is a self help manual for people with balance disorders like Meniere’s disease.

ADHD medication side-effects chart

ADHD and sleep disorders

Adult ADHD Symptom Checklist – Questionairre

ADHD information from National Resource Center on ADHD (USA)

For a good detailed overview of ADHD and it’s treatment see the PDF. For more info, search their website.

The Vanderbilt childhood ADHD assessment scales

for parents and teachers

‘EviQ’ cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy information portal

Detailed and evidence based information portal including Patient and family oriented sections

Book recommendation; ‘The Body Keeps the Score’ by Besel Van der Kolk

This book comes strongly recommended from our patients with lived experience.

From the publisher; ‘With stories of his own work and those of specialists around the globe, The Body Keeps the Score sheds new light on the routes away from trauma – which lie in the regulation and syncing of body and mind, using sport, drama, yoga, mindfulness, meditation and other routes to equilibrium.’

Book recommendation; ‘Complex PTSD – from surviving to thriving’ by Pete Walker

From the author; ‘I have Complex PTSD (CPSTD) and wrote this book from the perspective of someone who has experienced a great reduction of symptoms over the years. I also wrote it from the viewpoint of someone who has discovered many silver linings in the long, windy, bumpy road of recovering from Cptsd.’.

Nip allergies in the bud

This outstanding website details all parents (and their doctors) need to know about allergy prevention.

RMH ‘Virtual fracture clinic’ resources

These publicly available resources for all of the common fractures are invaluable and guaranteed to be up to date

The Michael J Fox Foundation (Parkinson’s disease)

The MJFF is leading research into PD and related disorders. Their website is easy to navigate and rich in content

Kids Health (Sydney children’s hospital) concussion resources

These are high quality evidence based resources

Post viral fatigue – advice for those recovering at home

From the NHS  in the UK. Basic principles to guide recovery.

Find an EMDR practicioner

EMDR is a proven therapy for complex and single incident PTSD

I have Covid-19, now what?

A very good summary article dated Jan 2022 from ‘GPs Can’ which brings it all together

Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result reporting form

Your covid checklist (Vic Gov.)

If you are a case or a contact here is what to do

The Melbourne Vaccine Education Centre

A high quality website with excellent resources for the community and the medical profession

ATAGI statement on the use of a 3rd primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine in individuals who are severely immunocompromised

ATAGI medical exemptions for CoV-19 vaccines

National COVID-19 clinical evidence taskforce

THE place to look for the science behind treatments for COVID-19

RMH disability liaison officer

DLO’s can be extremely helpful in interacting with the hospital system. The RMH DLO gets rave reviews.

SVH disability liaison officer

Autism Awareness Australia

An excellent summary of Medicare support available during the diagnosis and management phases

Living Positive Victoria

Living Positive Victoria is a community-based organisation that works to advance the human rights and wellbeing of people living with HIV

Prahran Market Clinic

Prahran Market Clinic is a medical General Practice, supported by Allied Health providers. Particular focus is placed on sexual health, and Gay, Lesbian and gender diverse health. The Clinic is well regarded and respected for its involvement in HIV clinical research trials and for the teaching of medical students

AusPATH – The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health

The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH) is Australia’s peak body for professionals involved in the health, rights and well-being of trans, gender diverse and non-binary (TGDNB) people. Their website contains links to gender diversity specialist practitioners – very useful

Drug treatments for covid-19: living systematic review and network meta-analysis – BMJ

This is THE place to look for any evidence base regarding drug therapies for Covid-19 treatment

For those who want the raw numbers – excellent.

Mood assessment program – formerly of The Black Dog institute

This is a 1hr long assessment for people with depression and / or bipolar mood symptoms. It requires an an access code (currently Dr Blanch patients only). It is sophisticated and encrypted. Reports are sent to the referring doctor only.


  • 1800RESPECT is the national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service. Their website is well structured and useful.


queerspace is an LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing support service established in 2009 by LGBTIQ+ communities for LGBTIQ+ communities. queerspace has a focus on relationships, families, parenting and young people and offers co-located services across the north-west metropolitan region of Victoria

Queerspace – ‘the Village’ – online training for parents

Run by Drummond Street Services, this now online program goes for 7 weeks. Cost is tiered to ability to pay.

To be a part of the next group contact 96636733 or email

Rainbow Network

Search through our directory to connect you with LGBTIQA+ groups and services all over Victoria


Transcend was founded in 2012 and was the first parent led peer support network and information hub for transgender children and their families in Australia

Safe Schools

A program run by the Victorian Government with a set of resources for schools and their communities to improve school safety for the LGBTQI+ student community

The National Disability Gateway

It is what it says it is and it’s well laid out and comprehensive

International association for premenstrual disorders

Brilliant website with far more than just information

Healthtalk Australia – personal accounts from people with lived experience

Healthtalk Australia is a consortium of researchers based at RMIT University, the University of Sydney, Monash University and UNSW conducting qualitative research into experiences of health and illness.

They provide evidence-based data on people’s experiences of health and illness, as well as carers’ and health professionals’ perspectives, that provides information and support, and assists informed decision making.

Their interviews typically include people’s accounts of their reactions to diagnosis, consultations with health professionals, decisions about treatment options, experiences of treatment, and impact of their health condition and treatment on relationships, work and finances

Live Longer Better

Muir Gray is one of the founders of The Cochrane Collaboration and is a giant in the field of evidence based medicine. Here, he and the team at The Optimal Ageing Program in Oxford, condense a modern understanding of ageing research into 4 pillars of healthy ageing. For those interested in further reading, see their library;

The survivorship diary – a resource for those with brain cancer

You can order a hard copy or download the electronic version. A terrific resource to help understand and manage what can be an overwhelming experience.

eMHprac guide to online digital mental health resources

iSleepWell by My Digital Health

iSleepWell is a 6 module mobile and web-based biopsychosocial and cognitive behavioural intervention program for insomnia Developed by a team at Federation University


Amaze is an autism advocacy, information and support organisation and their website is excellent

The DXC Dandelion program

Supported employment for those on the autism spectrum and other non neuro-typical people

Age Well Solutions – Sara Cook

Aged care planning, support to stay at home, alternative accommodation, crisis management and permanent and respite service. Case management and advocacy.

Aged Care and Elder Advice – Margaret Harrison

Comprehensive independent aged care advice to help you find and understand aged care. ACEA is also an incorporated legal practice.

myCompass ‘Doing what really counts’

With the support of the RACGP Foundation and Diabetes Australia, myCompass has developed a specific online learning activity aimed at helping people balance the demands of diabetes with other important life goals.  Called ‘Doing what really counts’, this activity is accessible to all users of myCompass

E – mental health resources summary for young people

The BRAVE Program

The BRAVE Program is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. The programs are free, and provide ways for children and teenagers to better cope with their worries. There are also programs for parents.

What were we thinking?

The Monash University with funding by the federal government created this one stop shop for new parents – highly recommended

The Stay Strong App

This App is meant for use in consultations with a GP or counsellor but can be used as a great tool for organising thoughts about mental and physical health and well-being


An absolute gem of a website


This excellent resource by Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia is intended to be used in conjunction with your GP.

Virtual Reality mindfulness by Mental Health Online

This is a great initiative of Swinburne University’s National eTherapy Centre (NeTC) and funded by Australia’s Federal Department of Health

Mental health online

An initiative of Swinburne University’s National eTherapy Centre (NeTC) and funded by Australia’s Federal Department of Health. There are programs for most common disorders and you can Taylor your own. There is even a VR mindfulness program!

My Journey

For people with breast cancer or DCIS. Information in the form of articles podcasts and forums tailored to where you are at in your treatment. Now also including a symptom tracker

Q life

Telephone counselling, web chat, info and support by and for the LGBTQI+ community

MindSpot Pain Course

The Pain Course, by Macquarie University, helps people with chronic pain manage the impact of pain on their day-to-day life and their emotional wellbeing


The Beacon website was developed and is delivered by the Centre for Mental Health Research at the Australian National University.

Beacon provides users with a comprehensive directory of e-health applications (websites, mobile applications and internet support groups), and includes reviews, expert ratings and user comments.

‘Beyond now’ suicide prevention resource by Beyond Blue

Download the app or use the web based program to create a personalised suicide prevention program


e-couch can help you to manage the symptoms of common mental health issues. The program modules include: Information about what you might be going through, how to get help and which treatments work, evidence-based strategies, practical advice and self-help and interactive workbooks

Managing Insomnia Course by ‘This Way Up’

Learn effective, step-by-step strategies for managing chronic sleep difficulties with our practical and free online course for insomnia

MUMentum Pregnancy & Postnatal Course

Learn practical strategies for managing anxiety and low mood during pregnancy and postpartum with our clinically-proven online courses for mums

The TeenSTRONG Course

Help your teenager learn practical strategies for managing worry and low mood with this self-paced online course for teens and their parents by ‘This Way Up’

OnTrack Families and Friends

OnTrack Families and Friends is a free online program by the QUT for people who are supporting someone with a mental illness

On track diabetes – online self management program

An online self management program developed by Queensland University of Technology


moodgym is like an interactive self-help book which helps you to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety

Online digital tools and apps by The Black Dog Institute

Tools for anxiety bipolar and depression self assessment, online treatment programs for youth, ATSI peoples, men, people with an intellectual disability and more.

The Black Dog Institute

This is a gem of a website. It has a host of incredibly good tools, resources, links and online treatments. Look no further

My Compass

myCompass is a brilliant, evidence based, effective, free online self-help program for people with mild to moderate depression, anxiety and stress by the Black Dog Institute.

The Black Dog Institute ‘Online Clinic’

The Online Clinic takes you through a range of clinical assessments for common mental health conditions. At the end you will receive a personalised report with suggested support services and free or low-cost resources for you to access. This report can be downloaded, printed or emailed to share with your family or doctor

This Way Up

A range of online courses of high quality provided either for a $59 fee or for free through your GP (if they are registered with This Way Up)

Headgear by The Black Dog Institute

HeadGear is a free, easy-to-use smartphone app that guides you through a 30–day mental fitness challenge designed to build resilience and wellbeing and prevent things like depression and anxiety. Designed more for blokes but can be used by anyone over 18.

Results from a randomised controlled trial showed that prevalence of depression over a 12-month follow-up period was 3.5% for HeadGear recipients compared to 8.0% for the control group.


ReachOut is the most accessed online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia.
Along with mental health focused self-help information, peer-support programs and referral tools there are sections covering broader topics like sexuality, stress, sleep and friendship issues. They offer information for parents making it easier for them to help their teenagers. Everything they create is based on the latest evidence and is designed with experts, and young people or their parents.


eheadspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 – 25 and their families and friends


Headspace is Australia’s premier youth mental health service. This website has piles of tools and resources for young people and their families

‘Blue pages’ by ANU

BluePages provides information on treatments for depression based on the latest scientific evidence. It also offers screening tests for depression and anxiety, and links to other helpful resources Like the ANU online treatment programs ‘Moodgym’ and ‘Echuca’

Love is respect

This gem of a website is essential for young people (and old) learning about healthy intimate relationships

Bite back

This is a brilliant website for youth mental health with personality quizzes, educational material about emotions, an excellent 6 week mental health challenge and more


An online support service for men with Prostate cancer

COPMI – children of parents with mental illness

This website is actually an excellent resource for parents as well

Kids helpline

This easy to navigate website is a top notch mental health and well-being resource for kids, teens, young adults and their parents

Head to health – online mental health resources portal

A online mental health resources portal funded by the federal government. Very good

Mental health online – Swinburne University

Free online mental health services for a wide variety of mental health problems

Dietary calcium – Jean Hailes


MindSpot is based at Macquarie University, Sydney. It is an excellent evidence based free online mood management program for depression, anxiety, PTSD or chronic pain. It has youth, adult, seniors and ATSI specific programs and offers assessment, management and information. Well worth a look

Carers Australia

This website offers links to very useful and practical information and services such as how to negotiate the NDIS, services in your area and links to peer support services and more

CFS-ME sleep-pain profile

CFS/ME symptom severity questionnaire

The ‘Cognitive failures’ questionnaire

Many elderly people worry they might be developing dementia. This questionnaire has a bit of a mean name but helps with the assessment of cognitive impairment

‘Pacing’ for people with CFS/ME – Emerge

Emerge Australia – CFS/ME

Emerge is an international advocacy group aiming to coordinate and progress research into myalgic encephalomyelitis previously known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

Alzheimer’s Disease International

Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) is the international federation of Alzheimer and dementia associations around the world; in official relations with the World Health Organization

The (US) National institute on ageing

This is an excellent and comprehensive website

Dementia Australia website

For ‘The Dementia Guide’, videos, information sheets, news and events

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) By Dementia Australia

Depression and ageing by Better Health

Victoria Together Living Stronger exercise series

Living Longer Living Stronger

Strength training with our Living Longer Living Stronger™ program for older people can help you to stay active and independent as you age. Collingwood Leisure Centre and Ivanhoe Aquatic are providers

Council on the ageing (COTA) Victoria

Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria is the leading not-for-profit organisation representing the interests and rights of people aged 50+ in Victoria. They have a telephone based Aged Care Navigators’ service which assists in navigating the complexities of the aged care sector. They also run the ‘Living longer, living stronger’ program, discussion, cycling and walking groups – check under ‘programs’.

Personal Alert Victoria

Personal Alert Victoria (PAV) is a personal monitoring service that supports older people and people with disabilities to live independently. The program responds to calls for assistance 24 hours a day.
Government funded for those with home care packages, NDIS, Dept of Veterans Affairs

‘Don’t fall for it’ – a guide to preventing falls for older people

This is an excellent and thorough resource

Osteoarthritis information sheet – Arthritis Australia

Arthritis Australia website

This easy to navigate site has a comprehensive range of useful resources on all things arthritis from what foods cause gout to the principles of self care for osteoarthritis

Macular Degeneration – dietary advice

Amsler grid

The Vision Initiative

The Vision Initiative is a collaboration between government and community bodies which aims to prevent avoidable blindness and reduce the impact of vision loss for communities across Victoria.

Vision Australia – fact sheets on cataracts, macular degeneration and more


In the words of Soundfair; ‘Hearing conditions are invisible, but the social and emotional impacts are not. Let’s talk about this and make the invisible, visible.’ Soundfair are a community based advocacy group who also provide services to unemployed and low income Victorians with hearing impairment.

Commonwealth funded hearing aides

Checking eligibility and locations for government funded hearing aids

Hearing loss and hearing aides – Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital

Francine Shapiro, Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy (Rodale, New York, 2012).

This book is referenced in the Blue Knot Foundation’s Practice Guidelines for Clinical Treatment of Complex Trauma. It can be downloaded as an ebook or purchased as hard copy from Booktopia

Maternal serum testing – VCGA

‘Percept’ non-invasive pre-natal screening test (NIPT) – VCGA

Testing for chromosomal abnormalities from 10wks of pregnancy

‘Prepair’ prenatal screening – VCGA

Screening for fragile X, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and cystic fibrosis

COVID-19 vaccination informed consent form

NCIRS (the national centre for immunisation research and surveillance) COVID-19 resources page

This webpage has all of the relevant information you need about COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 decision support guide for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers

Australian Breastfeeding Association website

Access information, services, the breastfeeding helpline and the Mum2Mum App

Pregnancy birth baby

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby is funded by the Australian Government and operated by Healthdirect Australia. Access information and services or contact a maternal child health nurse from this innovative website.

The Royal Women’s Hospital – unplanned pregnancy

The Royal Women’s Hospital – breast feeding

The Royal Women’s Hospital – pregnancy and birth

Finding balance in bipolar mood disorder – Ellen Forney – TEDx talk

This is a wonderful humorous tour de force of bipolar mood disorder. Ellen Forney is an artist and has BMD. Her book and TED talk explain what it is like to have BMD and what you can do to achieve stable mental health

American Migraine Foundation resource library

A brilliant easy to use resource

Nerva – gut directed hypnotherapy course

Developed by Dr Simone Peters PhD from the Monash group, Nerva is a 3month subscription ($69.99) based App which teaches gut directed hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Highly recommended and backed by high level evidence of effectiveness.

How to ADHD

A great series of you tube videos for ADHDers out there by a fellow ADHD brain. It is what is says it is, an ADHD ‘how to’ tool box.


Established in 2015, Specialisterne Australia assists businesses in recruiting and supporting people on the autism spectrum. Specialisterne translates from Danish as “The Specialists”, and is the name of the original Danish company and concept developed by Thorkil Sonne in 2004 after his young son was diagnosed with autism.


Mable is a disabilities and aged care support worker matching service and communication platform.

ADHD Alien

A delightful website explaining the world of ADHD to the rest of us dummies

Notes on migraine and the SEEDS approach – R Blanch

Dietary iron fact sheet from Nutrition Australia

MyJointPain by Arthritis Australia

This is a terrific one stop shop for everything you need to know about osteoarthritis and other degenerative joint and soft tissue pain problems

Nisha Brown PhD @ Offspring Child Health Specialists in Hawthorn

Affectionately known among the GPs at CHMG as ‘the baby whisperer’, Nisha helps babies and their families with a wide variety of issues relating to early infant development (e.g. movement, social engagement, behavioural cues, self-regulation, settling and sleep, and coping with everyday activities with sensitive babies

Jean Hailes – Menopause information

Jean Hailes’ website is the national digital gateway for women’s health and wellbeing. This is an excellent website with high quality information

Food and mood: how do diet and nutrition affect mental wellbeing? – Food For Though 2020 series – BMJ

A detailed scientific paper by the British Medical Journal in collaboration with the Swiss Re Institute in Zurich

Can nutrition support healthy cognitive ageing and reduce dementia risk? – Food For Thought 2020 series – BMJ

A detailed scientific paper by the British Medical Journal in collaboration with the Swiss Re Institute in Zurich

Diet, nutrition, and cancer risk – Food For Thought series – BMJ

A detailed scientific paper by the British Medical Journal in collaboration with the Swiss Re Institute in Zurich

Obesity and weight management – Food For Thought series – BMJ

A detailed scientific paper by the British Medical Journal in collaboration with the Swiss Re Institute in Zurich

Role of the gut microbiota in nutrition and health – Food For Thought series – BMJ

A detailed scientific paper by the British Medical Journal in collaboration with the Swiss Re Institute in Zurich

Dietary and nutritional approaches for prevention and management of type 2 diabetes – Food For Thought series – BMJ

A detailed scientific paper by the British Medical Journal in collaboration with the Swiss Re Institute in Zurich

Dietary fat and cardio metabolic health – Food For Thought series – the BMJ

A detailed scientific paper by the British Medical Journal in collaboration with the Swiss Re Institute in Zurich

Disordered eating – by the Centre for Clinical Excellence in WA

High quality free information, workbooks and work sheets

Healthy eating for your heart – National Heart Foundation

Wet dressings for eczema – RCH

The Blue Knot Foundation – National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma

Complex trauma most often occurs during childhood and is usually a result of abuse or neglect. The Blue Knot Foundation is Australia’s National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma. Search the ‘Survivors’ and ‘Resources’ sections

The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria

The DVRCV is a state-wide specialist family violence organisation focusing on how to effectively respond to violence against women and prevent it before it occurs. The ‘knowledge centre’ and ‘help and advice’ sections are full of useful practical information

Family violence wheels – the Duluth model

What is violence? These simple but powerful wheels help answer what is ok and what is not

Zero to Three

A rich source of high quality information on infant and early childhood development, health, and learning as well as parenting from leaders in the fields of medicine, mental health, social science research and child development. Navigate from ‘Explore our topics’

PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia

PANDA supports women, men and families across Australia affected by anxiety and depression during pregnancy and in the first year of parenthood

Choosing Positive Paths

Choosing Positive Paths is a resource kit offering information to mothers and other protective adults on what to expect from and how to respond to children who have experienced family violence

The Circle of Security International

COS provides deep insights into the emotional needs of infants, children, adolescents and their parents. For a lovely introduction click on ‘Circle of security animation’ under ‘English’.

COS is founded on attachment theory and has been validated in numerous trials all over the world


A brilliant website by the Parent-Infant Research Institute (PIRI) in partnership with Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA). It contains links to great self help resources like ‘What were we thinking!’ and ‘Baby Steps’ which are excellent online resources for new mums and dads which help to identify and resolve concerns and difficulties regarding parenting new babies. They also have self assessment tools and inks to Apps like MindMum and MumMoodBooster.

Alevia Medical Weight loss

This practice in Hawthorn East are sub-specialist GPs with an interest in medical weight loss and are highly recommended

The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet

Designed as a diet for those with Hypertension by the NIH in North America, the DASH diet is a good example of a healthy diet for any adult

Notes on food and nutrition – Dr R Blanch

An attempt to tie together some ideas about modern nutrition

The GP Show bookshelf – healthy sleep – by Dr Sam Manger

A curated library of health podcasts, web resources, book suggestions and videos by Dr Sam Manger, an Australian GP educator

The GP Show bookshelf – healthy weight – by Dr Sam Manger

A curated library of health podcasts, web resources, book suggestions and videos by Dr Sam Manger, an Australian GP educator

The GP Show bookshelf – physical exercise – by Dr Sam Manger

A curated library of health podcasts, web resources, book suggestions and videos by Dr Sam Manger, an Australian GP educator

The GP Show bookshelf by Dr Sam Manger

A curated library of health podcasts, web resources, book suggestions and videos by Dr Sam Manger, an Australian GP educator

AusVax Safety

Data regarding the safety of vaccines used in the Australian health care setting

Women’s health in the North

Women’s Health In the North (WHIN) works to eliminate gender inequities and improve outcomes in women’s health, safety and wellbeing

The Migraine Trust

A research and support charity based in the UK for people who suffer migraine

A great website by Professor Jon Stone MBChB FRCP PhD, Consultant Neurologist (NHS Lothian) and Honorary Professor in Neurology (University of Edinburgh) for anyone with neurological symptoms from mood disorders to migraine and functional neurological disorders

Functional neurological disorders

Functional neurological disorders Australia website

Home blood pressure monitoring

The Food and Mood Centre

The Food and Mood Centre at Deakin University are leaders in researching how food effects our brain, mood and mental health


Free support, referral and information for all Victorian women, nonbinary and gender-diverse people.

The Orange Door

Family violence support and extra help for children and families in Victoria

Berry Street

Helps children, young people and families impacted by abuse, violence and neglect.

Family Planning Victoria

Information and resources on a range of sexual health topics.

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre Website

Information and resources about infectious conditions and other topics.

Australasian Menopause Society Website

Menopause information and resources.

Jean Hailes Women’s Health Website

Information and resources on a range of topics, including menopause, healthy ageing and osteoporosis.

Feed Your Instinct

Information and tools to support parents of children and young people experiencing eating or body image problems.

YSAS Resources for Young People

Drug and alcohol information from Youth Support and Advocacy Service.


Confidential alcohol and drug counselling and referral service.

Hello Sunday Morning

Support to understand and change your relationship with alcohol.

Turning Point

Information, treatment and support for people affected by addiction.

NIMH Mental Health Information

National Institute of Mental Health (USA) information about mental health disorders and related issues.

Looking After Yourself

Self-help mental health resources from WA Centre for Clinical Interventions.

Smiling Mind Website

Mindfulness information and training.

Beyond Blue

Mental health information, resources and support.

Asthma Australia

Information and resources.

CDC Travelers Health Website

Comprehensive travel health information.

Fit for Travel Website

Comprehensive travel health information.

Prevent Allergy

Information about preventing food allergies in babies.

ASCIA Website

Allergy information and resources from the Australian Society of Clinical Immunology Australia.

National Immunisation Program Schedules

Information about government funded vaccinations for all ages.

The Low FODMAP Diet

Information, recipes and an app from Monash University to help people diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome.

GESA Patient Fact Sheets

Health information for patients by the Gastroenterology Society of Australia

The Migraine Trust

A patient focused, research driven UK charity.

Tame the Beast

Understanding and managing chronic pain.


Chronic pain management video resource.

Pain Revolution

The pain revolution is an Australian team dedicated to developing pain related education resources for the community and their health professionals. This is a great website – try the resources section (excellent) and ‘Pain facts’ (short and simple but to the point)

This Way Up

Chronic pain online course.

Australian Absolute Cardiovascular Risk Calculator

Tool to help assess your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Australian Absolute Cardiovascular Risk Calculator

Tool to help assess your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Raising Children Website

Australian parenting website for all ages and stages.

Eat for Health

Advice about the amount and kinds of foods that we need to eat for health and wellbeing, including the Australian Dietary Guidelines.

Better Health Channel

Reliable health information and resources covering many topics.

Healthdirect Website

Healthdirect is a government funded website which provides trusted health services that are easily accessible via multiple channels — helplines, video call solutions, websites, service finders, mobile applications and social media networks