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Rock Steady (book recommendation) by Joey Remenyi

Joey is a vestibular audiologist, psychologist, registered senior yoga teacher, neuroplasticity therapist and author who takes a special interest in the recovery patterns of people with persistent dizziness, vertigo and tinnitus. She also runs an online program (lifelong membership $2,800 with scholarships and ‘whatever you can afford for low income folk).

Nerva online gut directed hypnotherapy

This is a highly cost effective evidence based online program for IBS developed by the team at Monash University.

CFS-ME sleep-pain profile

CFS/ME symptom severity questionnaire

‘Pacing’ for people with CFS/ME – Emerge

Emerge Australia – CFS/ME

Emerge is an international advocacy group aiming to coordinate and progress research into myalgic encephalomyelitis previously known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

American Migraine Foundation resource library

A brilliant easy to use resource

Nerva – gut directed hypnotherapy course

Developed by Dr Simone Peters PhD from the Monash group, Nerva is a 3month subscription ($69.99) based App which teaches gut directed hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Highly recommended and backed by high level evidence of effectiveness.

Notes on migraine and the SEEDS approach – R Blanch

The Migraine Trust

A research and support charity based in the UK for people who suffer migraine

A great website by Professor Jon Stone MBChB FRCP PhD, Consultant Neurologist (NHS Lothian) and Honorary Professor in Neurology (University of Edinburgh) for anyone with neurological symptoms from mood disorders to migraine and functional neurological disorders

Functional neurological disorders

Functional neurological disorders Australia website